Below are resources on learning and practice; I have compiled these resources over several years. Even if you have a good understanding of how people learn, these resources will help you as grow as a learner.
Written Sources
Multiple articles on learning and teaching that I've written
Deliberate Practice Theory by Clear
Multiple sets of materials from The Learning Scientists
Study Hacks Blog by Newport
Guidebook to Studying and Learning in STEM by Tamarkin, Moriarty, and Hill
CogSciSci -- Bringing cognitive science to the science classroom
How to Study Effectively by Chew (five part series; this is the playlist)
The Science of Thinking by Veritasium
How to Practice Effectively by Bosler and Greene (TED-Ed)
Animated films on learning by David Didau (BBC)
Study Skills by Crash Course
If you have more good resources, please let me know!