Christian Living and Theology
Lord, Where in the World are You Taking Me? by Richard Crowe
You Will Be Breathtaking by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Luke 18:1-8 by Rob Myallis
Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms by Steve Bateman (The Gospel Coalition)
Luke 18:9-14 by Rob Myallis
Jesus, Only Jesus by Gerrit Scott Dawson (Desiring God)
John 8:31-36 by Rob Myallis
Parenting, Leadership, and Personal Growth
Do you have to love what you do? by Jason Fried
How to Beat Worry by Lawrence Yeo
Expose Your Kids to Hard Truths by Leslie Schmucker (The Gospel Coalition)
Messy, Late, and Happy by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Education and Learning
Variability, Not Repetition, is the Key to Mastery by Scott Young
Understanding 'Understanding' by Efrat Furst
Why Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve isn't useful for teaching by Christian Anderson
Destruction and Creation by John Boyd
What does "relational learning and collaboration" mean? It means creating a team culture in the classroom. by Greg Jacobs
Health, Fitness, and Nutrition
What’s the Difference Between Carnivore and Animal-Based? by Paul Saladino
The genetics of PCSK9i nonresponders by Kathryn Birkenbach, Tom Dayspring, and Peter Attia
How does exercise change the brain? by Brogan Williams and Aaron Horschig
Muscle Mass and Cognitive Function by Angela Misic, Kathryn Birkenbach, Peter Attia
How mud boosts your immune system by Alessia Franco and David Robson (BBC)
Business and Finances
Dancing Landscapes in Business by Cedric Chin
Mapping the Unknown – The Ten Steps to Map Any Industry by Steve Blank
How to Set Wise and Generous Financial Goals by Michelle Myers (The Gospel Coalition)
CWS Market Review – October 25, 2022 by Eddy Elfenbein
Science and Technology
How Big Is Infinity? by Patrick Honner (Quanta Magazine)
It's 2022 and USB-C is still a mess by Robert Triggs
How Will the World Cup Shape Lionel Messi’s Legacy? by Roger Bennett (GQ)
The Pursuit of Happiness by Mark Baldwin (The Fire Pit Collective)
Throw-ins, ballstriking, neuroscience: How soccer is catching up with U.S. sports by Ben Welch (ESPN)
Al Albert elected to United Soccer Coaches Hall of Fame by W&M Athletics Staff