Christian Living and Theology
Read God’s Law for Maximal Application by William Fullilove (The Gospel Coalition)
Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things by Ryan Griffith (Desiring God)
Luke 19:1-10 (Zacchaeus) by Rob Myallis
Did God Hear Me? by Bobby Scott (Desiring God)
The Halloween Night That Changed My Life by Garrett Kell (The Gospel Coalition)
Luke 21:5-19 by Rob Myallis
The Rock Was Christ by Jim Hamilton (Desiring God)
Luke 6:20-31 (Luke 6:17-26) by Rob Myallis
Can Cancer Be God’s Servant? by Randy Alcorn (Desiring God)
Parenting, Leadership, and Personal Growth
De-Atomization is the Secret to Happiness by Nat Eliason
Am I Resting or Just Being Lazy? by Amy DiMarcangelo (The Gospel Coalition)
The Male-Warrior Hypothesis by Rob Henderson
Why Don’t We Have Good Friends? by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Look what I did!! (Part 3/4) by Parker Thomas
Education and Learning
You Aren't Learning If You Don't Close the Loops by Cedric Chin
Improving the Exit Ticket by Blake Harvard
Fidelity – Trust the Program by Steve Barkley
Mail Time: how do you rank the forces on a block dropped onto a spring? by Greg Jacobs
Health, Fitness, and Nutrition
Build More Muscle With Slow Eccentric Training by Zack Harris
Vision and Breathing May Be the Secrets to Surviving 2020 by Jessica Wapner (Scientific American)
Reassuring new data on statin-induced Lp(a) elevation by Kathryn Birkenbach, Tom Dayspring, Peter Attia
Business and Finances
How Elon Wins by Evan Armstrong (Every)
Here's how to fix Twitter by David Heinemeier Hansson
Against Maximization by Jason Fried
Science and Technology
What Moneyball-for-Everything Has Done to American Culture by Derek Thompson (The Atlantic)
The Most Vulnerable Place on the Internet by Matt Burgess (WIRED)
How physics and a video game trick forever changed the NASCAR Championships by Ethan Siegel
Physicists Rewrite a Quantum Rule That Clashes With Our Universe by Charlie Wood (Quanta Magazine)
The Power of ‘Intellectual Technologies’ by Samuel James (Desiring God)
The Ramshackle Garden Of Affection by Ross Gay and Noah Davis (The Sun)
Considering C.B. Macdonald’s Scotland’s Gift in the Barstool/Youtube Age by Zachary Car
Prestwick turns back the clock, brings back 12-hole layout used to host the first Open Championship by John Huggan (Golf Digest)
A Family’s William & Mary Legacy Continued, Addie Puskar Overcame Adversity to Achieve by Dave Johnson (W&M Athletics)
With Gratitude … From An “Accidental Trailblazer" by Judy Rankin (LPGA)