Pentecost 19C: Who is Your Widow? by David Lose
Leadership/Personal Growth
3 ideas, 2 quotes, 1 question (October 17, 2019) by James Clear
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do by Michael Hyatt
4 Nutrition Tips To Upgrade Your Athletic Performance by Geoff Price (The Ready State)
How (and why) to make the perfect Super Shake by John Berardi (Precision Nutrition)
‘What should I eat?!’ Our 3-step guide for choosing the best foods for your body by Brian St. Pierre (Precision Nutrition)
'It's the dirty little secret that everybody knows about' by Baxter Holmes (ESPN)
The dangers of technology on the lesson tee by Tom Stickney II (GolfWRX)
Maxwell’s Muffins by Garrett Morrison (The Fried Egg)
Diary Of A Female Caddie by Maggie Bigelow (Golf Digest)
The “70% Rule” is still the winning formula on the PGA Tour by Peter Sanders (GolfWRX)
Eclectic 18 UK – Hole No. 13: “Pit,” North Berwick by Jaeger Kovich (The Fried Egg)
4 steps to prepare for a secure retirement by Colleen Jaconetti (Vanguard)
On Reviews of Research in Education by Robert Slavin
Proven Programs Can’t Replicate, Just Like Bees Can’t Fly by Robert Slavin
A lab on a chip on a drone. Students create new device to study Earth’s atmosphere by Adrienne Berard (William and Mary News and Media)