Love in the Time of Coronavirus by Andy Crouch
The church must be a refuge in the midst of fear by Lyman Stone
Cancel It All! by Par 3:16
Do You Really Trust God? by Northwood Church
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
On Digital Minimalism and Pandemics by Cal Newport
A Guide for Christian Leaders in the Time of Coronavirus by Justin Taylor (The Gospel Coalition)
Chesterton’s Fence: A Lesson in Second Order Thinking by Farnam Street
The Deep Life: Some Notes by Cal Newport
Calm also has a coefficient by Seth Godin
Gracefully Growing Older with Golf by David DeSmith (LINKS Magazine)
Reducing your Chance of ACL Injury by Aaron Heers
REM Sleep: What is It, Why it’s Important, How Much You Need & More by Mark Van Deusen (WHOOP)
Jürgen Klopp's message to supporters by Jürgen Klopp (Liverpool FC)
The Force Factor by David McGhie
Force vs Pressure by Scott Lynn
In praise of playing golf alone by Shane Ryan
Why I like Trackman by Adam Young
A Guide for Practicing Golf at Home by Jon Sherman
Stock Market Correction: What It Is and How to Handle It by Chris Hogan
How to Keep Your Side Hustle From Messing Up Your Taxes by Ramsey Solutions
HSA vs FSA: What’s the Difference? by Ramsey Solutions
CWS Market Review — March 20, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
Design: How do we convey basic information to students? by Greg Jacobs
Who Does Your Instructional Labor Serve? by Paul Thomas
Empowering Conversations by Steve Barkley
History Is Written by Hilary Mantel by Brian Phillips (The Ringer)
Five Thoughts on The Coronavirus and Schools by Frederick Hess
Advice for Education Providers Navigating Coronavirus by Frederick Hess
Digest #142 (COVID-19 Edition): Online Teaching and Learning Resources by The Learning Scientists
After the Pandemic: Can We Welcome Students Back to Better Schools? by Robert Slavin
Excellent Presentation on the Latest COVID-19 Research, Hygiene Tips, and Treatment Options by Jason Kottke
This Page is Designed to Last by Jeff Huang
Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” by Harry Stevens (The Washington Post)
This Is How We Can Beat the Coronavirus by Aaron Carroll and Ashish Jha (The Atlantic)