Easter 2 A 2020: The New “Normal” by David Lose (…in the Meantime)
Coronavirus Could Kill Consumer Christianity by Brett McCracken (The Gospel Coalition)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Power Laws: How Nonlinear Relationships Amplify Results by Farnam Street
Being and Time: An Interesting Book You Probably Shouldn’t Read by Scott Young
How Bad Times Bring Out the Best in People by Bill Taylor (Harvard Business Review)
The No. 1 Mistake Leaders Make in Crisis by Michael Hyatt
All models are wrong, some models are useful by Seth Godin
Captain Tom Moore: How the war veteran captured our hearts by Hazel Shearing (BBC)
“Self-Rule” Choices You Can Make to Increase Your HRV and Immunity by Kristen Holmes (WHOOP)
Podcast No. 69: Dr. Andrew Huberman, Stanford Neuroscientist by Will Ahmed (WHOOP)
How to Relax in Times of Stress on and off the Course by David MacKenzie
Why You Should Walk More by Kelly Starrett
Four Tips to Perfect Your Push Up by Zack Harris
After witnessing it first-hand, what it's like watching Tiger Woods' Masters win on TV by Ryan Lavner (GOLF)
All the fun of the unfair by Mike Clayton (Golf Australia)
Developing Athletes During Quarantine. Some Thoughts by Doug Lemov
An Interview With Keith Cutten by Andrew Harvie (Par Six Golf)
Why Michael Jordan's scoring prowess still can't be touched by Kirk Goldsberry (ESPN)
Marion Hollins, known for her contributions to Augusta National and Cypress Point, elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame by John Strege (Golfworld)
The Coronavirus, Stock Market Uncertainty, and How to Handle It by Chris Hogan
Impulse Buying: Why We Do It and How to Stop by Ramsey Solutions
7 Hard Money Lessons People Are Going To Learn During This Pandemic by Nicolas Cole
CWS Market Review — April 17, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
Culling online supplemental instructional materials amid coronavirus closures by Jenni Aberli and Victoria McDougald (Thomas B. Fordham Institute)
How to remember anything, forever: the secret history by Daisy Christodoulou
Cherry Picking? Or Making Better Trees? by Robert Slavin
The 3 Ways Science Will Get Us Through The COVID-19 Pandemic by Ethan Siegel
'It's positively alpine!': Disbelief in big cities as air pollution falls by Hannah Ellis-Petersen, Rebecca Ratcliffe, Sam Cowie, Joe Parkin Daniels, and Lily Kuo (The Guardian)
Inside the High Stakes New Life of a Coronavirus Specialist by Rosecrans Baldwin (GQ)
Not Like the Flu, Not Like Car Crashes, Not Like... by Ari Schulman, Brendan Foht, and Samuel Matlack (The New Atlantis)
Copper’s Virus-Killing Powers Were Known Even to the Ancients by Jim Morrison (Smithsonian Magazine)