Roadblocks to Healing by Nigel Mumford (Faith Gateway)
Where’s God When COVID-19 Kills My Business? by Dave Harvey (The Gospel Coalition)
7 Things the Coronavirus Hasn’t Changed by Stephen Witmer (The Gospel Coalition)
Easter 3 A: Poignancy and Possibility by David Lose
Hymn of the Day: “How Firm a Foundation” by Justin Taylor (The Gospel Coalition)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
6 tools that are more powerful than to-do lists for productivity by Stephanie Vozza (Fast Company)
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Key to Innovation by Farnam Street
Social Distancing Diaries: Surviving a Virtual School Day by Dan Devine (The Ringer)
The Emotional Labor of Being the Boss by Kim Scott
Cultivating a Deep Life by Cal Newport
With Senior Year In Disarray, Teens And Young Adults Feel Lost. Here's How To Help by Patti Neighmond (NPR)
Selling Your Vision When You’re Not in Charge by Michael Hyatt
Planning virtual events: What changes, and how to find/become a great virtual speaker by Jay Acunzo
The 4 critical questions to ask remote employees by Claire Lew
8 ways to optimize your immunity and protect your health. by Jennifer Broxterman and Lee Helland (Precision Nutrition)
Leading sports psychologists on the role golf can play in a crisis by Matthew Rudy (Golf Digest)
The Real Reason to Wear a Mask by The Atlantic
I’m Young and Healthy. If I Get Coronavirus, Will I Be Fine? by Brendan Foht, Samuel Matlack, and Ari Schulman (The New Atlantis)
This home workout experiment could transform the way you exercise. by Craig Weller (Precision Nutrition)
Over 50? You Don’t Have to be Achy and Stiff! by Kingsley Yew (The Ready State)
Optimize Your Diet With Three Simple Tips by Zack Harris
My Perfect Course by Geoff Ogilvy (Golf Australia)
Five of James Braid’s Best Courses by Tony Dear (LINKS Magazine)
Travel: Land of the Rising Sun by Peter Quattro (Golf Australia)
Ireland vs. Scotland: Which is the better golf destination? by Mike Stachura and E. Michael Johnson (Golfworld)
Unlocking Distance: Launch Conditions and Angle of Attack by Chris Broadie (PING)
The Science of Mud Balls by Paul Wood (PING)
Manchester United's setup shines as seniors help locked-down youngsters by Tanya Aldred (The Guardian)
State-of-the-art technology reveals the 10 biggest golf swing killers by Shaun Webb and Mike Granato (GOLF)
How to Manage Your Money (and Business Finances) During a Crisis by Ramsey Solutions
What “stay the course” means if you’re retired by Vanguard
CWS Market Review — April 24, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
How do I prepare for the AP Physics 1 exam? You *taper*. by Greg Jacobs
A Marshall Plan for Post-COVID-19 Recovery by Robert Slavin
Understanding experimental physics is critical - even in 2020 with no lab design question! by Greg Jacobs
Curriculum is forever – but not how you think by Rosalind Walker
When to re-open the economy by Harvey Fineberg
We Need a New Science of Progress by Patrick Collison and Tyler Cowen (The Atlantic)
Coronavirus: Learning How to Dance by Tomas Pueyo
COVID-19: What’s wrong with the models? by Peter Attia
The “New Normal”: Thoughts about the Shape of Things to Come in the Post-Pandemic World by Nicholas Eberstadt (The National Bureau of Asian Research)