Prayers for Teachers by Max Lucado (Faith Gateway)
Easter 4 A: The Other Half of the Promise by David Lose
The Still, Small Voice by Angela Braniff (Faith Gateway)
1 Peter 2:19-25 by Rob Myallis (Lectionary Greek)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Bulletins vs bulletin boards by Seth Godin
Why We Focus on Trivial Things: The Bikeshed Effect by Farnam Street
Thoughts on “I’m bored” by Seth Godin
Army Ranger School Is a Laboratory of Human Endurance by Will Bardenwerper (Outside)
7 Rules for Staying Productive Long-Term by Scott Young
5 Reasons You Need a Business Coach by Michael Hyatt
The Fault in Ourselves by Gregg Hurwitz (The Bulwark)
68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice by Kevin Kelly
Better Than Free by Kevin Kelly
17 Everyday Objects to Pump Up Your Fitness Routines by Tim Trainor (WHOOP)
Solutions for stress eating: Get better at saying “No, thank you” to ice cream, Cheetos, and Pop-Tarts. by Julia Malacoff (Precision Nutrition)
Hug a Tree, Fix Your Brain by Keenan Eriksson
Is your health and fitness routine broken? What to do when staying in shape feels harder than ever. by Jason Bonn (Precision Nutrition)
Stop Waiting on Motivation: Learning to Lean on Discipline to Build Habits by Geoff Price (The Ready State)
Classic Course: Country Club of Charleston by George Peper (LINKS Magazine)
5 Effective Ways to Use Mental Imagery to Improve Performance by David MacKenzie
School of Golf Architecture, Part 3: Tie-Ins by Garrett Morrison (The Fried Egg)
Sand Valley, Sun-n-Dale by Derek Duncan
The importance of embedding golf in nature by Adam Lawrence (Golf Course Architecture)
Greens and Their Complexes by Gil Hanse (LINKS Magazine)
5 Misconceptions that are Preventing Golfers from Improving by Jon Sherman
2020 Housing Market Forecast: What to Expect by Ramsey Solutions
CWS Market Review — May 1, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
W&M student teachers design virtual tutoring program to support local elementary students by Julie Tucker (W&M School of Education News)
Marshall Plan II: Heal the Damage, But Build for the Future by Robert Slavin
Watkins waves bye to Wando, caps 35-year teaching and journalism career by Zach Giroux (Moultrie News)
The Word about the 2020 AP Physics 1 exam - from Matt Sckalor by Greg Jacobs
We Need to Stop Trying to Replicate the Life We Had by Ashley Fetters (The Atlantic)
Scientists Make Mistakes. I Made a Big One. by Julia Strand
Why Am I Paying $60 for That Bag of Rice on by Sara Harrison (The Markup)