John 14:15-21 by Rob Myallis (Lectionary Greek)
Let’s Get Naked by Darren Wilson (FaithGateway)
Having Faith During a Financial Crisis by Chris Hogan (Ramsey Solutions)
Easter 7 A: A Peculiar Glory by David Lose
Christians Are Not Immune to Conspiracy Theories by Joe Carter (The Gospel Coalition)
Why Western Intellectuals Are Dreaming Christian Dreams by Justin Bass (The Gospel Coalition)
Why Do We Call Them the “Formal” and “Material” Principles of the Reformation? by Justin Taylor (The Gospel Coalition)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Rethinking Fear by Farnam Street
A Commencement Address Too Honest to Deliver in Person by David Brooks (The Atlantic)
But what if it works? by Seth Godin
How to Avoid Confusion with Clear Communication by Michael Hyatt
A 92-Year-Old Piano Teacher Won’t Let Students Miss Bach in the Pandemic by John Branch (NY Times)
The Lost Satisfactions of Manual Competence by Cal Newport
Your Positive Body Image: Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep for Mental Health by Kassandra Hobart (WHOOP)
Limb Asymmetry; is my Left supposed to be "more" than my Right? by Phil Wagner (Sparta Science)
Does COVID-19 Show Us How Meat Can Save The World? by Keenan Eriksson (The Ready State)
How to Help Your Body and Immune System Recover From Covid-19 by Danielle Kosecki
How Sunlight, the Immune System, and Covid-19 Interact by Markham Heid
The New Rules of Playing Golf Safely by Golf Digest Editors
Blue Ridge Junior Golf Tour conducting ‘virtual academy’ by Nick Dugan (WVVA News)
Five Lessons We Learn from Golf by Ian Guerin
Ghost player for the ghost game: Thomas Müller is perfect for the pandemic by Jonathan Liew (The Guardian)
Wando’s Bob Hayes humbled by field dedication, community support by Frank Mansfield (Moultrie News)
Build a Caddie Shack by Connor Laubenstein (The Fried Egg)
Before 'The Last Dance,' Scottie Pippen delivered six words of trash talk that changed NBA history by David Fleming (ESPN)
Michael Jordan: A history of flight by Wright Thompson (ESPN)
Credit Hours: Vanderbilt University Women’s Golf by Will Knights (The Fried Egg)
4 Ways to Make Temporary Income During the Coronavirus by Anthony ONeal (Ramsey Solutions)
12 Summer Reads to Help You Win With Money by Ramsey Solutions
This 1 Habit Changed The Way I Saved Money Forever by Nicolas Cole
A Statistics Primer for the Overwhelmed Educator by Cindy Nebel (The Learning Scientists)
Responding to a Study You Just KNOW Is Wrong by Daniel Willingham
Learning vs. Performance in the Classroom by Blake Harvard
We Are In This Together by Steve Barkley
Three Hurdles Students Must Clear to Maximize Assessment’s Benefits by Blake Harvard
How to Stop Students From Cheating on Remote Tests During a Pandemic by Rhett Allain
GUEST POST: How Exercise Improves Student Mental Health by Tiarne Kleyn (The Learning Scientists)
A Sudden Coronavirus Surge Brought Out Singapore’s Dark Side by Megan Stack (The New York Times Magazine)
The science of color is upending our relationship with screens by Kassia St Clair (Wired UK)
The End of Podcasting’s Innocence by M.G. Siegler