What Do You Want? by Bob Goff (FaithGateway)
Matthew 10:24-39 by Rob Myallis (Lectionary Greek)
There is a rest for our souls by Northwood Church
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Coordination Problems: What It Takes to Change the World by Farnam Street
The trolley problem problem by Nigel Warburton (Psyche)
The Surprisingly Narrow Path to Success by Scott Young
Get Free of Goal Shame and Achieve Your Impossible Dream by Michael Hyatt
The dominant culture by Seth Godin
33 Things I Stole From People Smarter Than Me on the Way to 33 by Ryan Holiday
George Floyd Changed My Mind Mona Charen (The Bulwark)
Just How Secular Should America Be? by Russell Moore (New York Times)
Walking Is Making a Major Comeback by Gloria Liu (Outside)
10 Ways to Improve Your Heart Rate Variability by Mark Van Deusen (WHOOP)
New Preparedness Handbook Details 5 Actions to Plan, Prepare and Prevent COVID-19 Surges by United States of Care
Finish be damned, Harold Varner III won the week by Joel Beall (Golfworld)
Tribe Scribe: Soccer alumni and supporters honor W&M coach Chris Norris with endowment by Dave Johnson
The men the Masters forgot by Jaime Diaz (Golfworld)
‘People have to learn to grow’ by Cameron Morfit (PGATOUR.COM)
Getting Your Finances Back on Track After Quarantine by Ramsey Solutions
CWS Market Review — June 19, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
Your Investing Life™: Dealing with a financial shock by Chuck Riley (Vanguard)
Multiple-Choice Questioning as a Valuable Learning Opportunity by Blake Harvard
Supporting Educator Learning to Build Student Learning by Steve Barkley
Ask A Researcher #2 – Dr. Kripa Sundar by Blake Harvard
Focusing on the Classroom Environment by Blake Harvard
Are the Dutch Solving the Covid Slide with Tutoring? by Robert Slavin
Synthetic Phonics: What It Is and What It Is Not by Stephen Parker
The First Transatlantic Telegraph Cable Was a Bold, Beautiful Failure by Allison Marsh (IEEE Spectrum)
Episode 29: The Best Wireless Earbuds by David Koff
Where The Latest COVID-19 Models Think We're Headed — And Why They Disagree by Ryan Best and Jay Boice (FiveThirtyEight)
Celebrating 3 million accounts (fewer) by Jorge Manrubia (Basecamp)
The Internet’s most important—and misunderstood—law, explained by Timothy Lee (ArsTechnica)
What Are The Fifth And Sixth States Of Matter? by Ethan Siegal
Science Isn’t Truth. It’s Something Better. by Rhett Allain
Centripetal vs. Centrifugal Forces. What’s the Difference? by Rhett Allain