Bread and Circuses by Levi Lusko (FaithGateway)
Matthew 16:13-20 by David Lose (… in the Meantime)
Romans 12:1-8 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Accelerated Learning: Learn Faster and Remember More by Farnam Street
Cheating by Seth Godin
How Limiting Work Hours Can Improve Your Business by Michael Hyatt
Toward a Zoom agreement by Seth Godin
Do you have a Stress Bod? The surprising science of feeling awful—and what to do about it. [Infographic] by Ryan Maciel, Adam Feit, and Alisa Bowman (PrecisionNutrition)
Robin Williams by Peter Attia
The Optimal Sleep Playbook: Managing Sleep Debt with WHOOP by Kristen Holmes (WHOOP)
Podcast No. 87: Dr. Bob Arnot Returns to Discuss Defying Aging by Will Ahmed (WHOOP)
3 Part Pistol Squat Progression for Mobility, Balance & Strength by Eric Wong (Precision Movement)
Everything You Need To Know About Intermittent Fasting by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation)
Incredible ace with a putter at Sheep Ranch: Golfer talks about how she pulled it off by Tod Leonard (Golfworld)
Why is Black inclusion in the golf business so hard? by Earnie Ellison Jr. (Morning Read)
Kate Wright: 1984 - 2020 by European Tour
Closing a sad chapter of my personal #GolfTwitter. by David Hill
Rollin’ (ARR-paid vehicle) by Alex Danco
Apple, Epic, and the App Store by Ben Thompson
Should colleges break up the “total cost of attendance,” monopoly? by Carlo Salerno
How AB 5 Will Break Uber’s Business by Adam Keesling
CWS Market Review — August 21, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
Ask A Researcher #11 – Dr. Ayanna Thomas by Blake Harvard
Example problem — Projectile motion by Andrew Morrison
Lucy Garrett Beckham High School is ready by Cecilia Brown (Moultrie News)
The Summer Slide: Fact or Fiction? by Robert Slavin
Saliva-based coronavirus test funded by NBA, NBPA gets emergency authorization from FDA by Zach Lowe (ESPN)
What To Do, Scientifically, When Everyone Is Wrong by Ethan Siegel
When Can Schools Safely Reopen? The Answer Is Part Science, Part Guesswork. by Kaleigh Rogers (FiveThirtyEight)