Benevolent Detachment by John Eldredge (FaithGateway)
Matthew 20:1-16 by David Lose (…in the Meantime)
Why Has Quarantine Made Me So Angry? by Bruce Lowe (The Gospel Coalition)
Matthew 20:1-16 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
The surprising traits of good remote leaders by Arianne Cohen (BBC)
The Competence Trap (and Why it Keeps You From Trying New Things) by Scott Young
To Anybody Going Through It by Kevin Love (The Players’ Tribune)
Improve Rotational Range of Motion with the Rotational Lunge by Phil Wagner (Sparta Science)
Chase Salt by Kelly Starrett (The Ready State)
The 5 Benefits of the Squat by Ashley Richmond
10 Ways to Lower Performance Anxiety in Golf by David MacKenzie
Cink family combines for Safeway Open triumph by Ben Everill (PGA TOUR)
Winged Foot’s Challenging U.S. Open Setup by David DeSmith (LINKS Magazine)
The Meaning of Winged Foot: The club’s exceptional courses aren’t the only thing that set it apart by Michael Bamberger (GOLF)
Approaching the Unpinnable by Andy Johnson
Add an ETF without breaking the bank by Vanguard
Banking when you can’t Bank on Anything: Part 1 by Byrne Hobart
Banking when you can’t Bank on Anything: Part 2 by Byrne Hobart
The Four Kinds of Side Hustles by Justin Mares
Economic and market outlook: A midyear update by Vanguard
5 misconceptions I had about ETFs by Jim Wang (Vanguard)
The Letting Go Paradox in Leading and Teaching by Steve Barkley
When Does Ed Tech Actually Help? by Frederick Hess
Realizing the Promise: How can education technology improve learning for all? by Alejandro Ganimian, Emiliana Vegas, and Frederick Hess (The Brookings Institution)
A Physics Student’s Guide to Line Integrals by Rhett Allain
How Close Are Computers to Automating Mathematical Reasoning? by Stephen Ornes (Quanta Magazine)
Distributions: What Exactly is the Dirac Delta “Function”? by Adam Taylor
Episode 32: A Guide To Digital Parenting by David Koff