Spiritual Disciplines for Dark Days by Christopher Ash (The Gospel Coalition)
God Is in Control — and That’s Terrifying by Kyle Davison Bair
Multifaceted Glory: What the Transfiguration Tells Us About Jesus by Justin Dillehay (The Gospel Coalition)
More Than Sexual Purity by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Epiphany 3 2021: The Right Time by David Lose
Mark 1:14-20 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Three types of kindness by Seth Godin
We Are What We Remember by Farnam Street
How Do I Explain the Trinity to Children? by Vern Poythress (Desiring God)
Do I really need 8 glasses of water a day? by Peter Attia
Never press “pause” on your health and fitness again. This free tool is your secret weapon. [Infographic] by John Berardi (Precision Nutrition)
Genetics, Muscle Recovery Rate, And Injury Risk by Kyla Channell (The Ready State)
Carb cycling: Is this advanced fat loss strategy right for YOU? by Brian St. Pierre (Precision Nutrition)
The Transformative Mental Health Benefits Of Mastery by Brad Stulberg
Better Golf, Fitness, & Health – A Workout & Nutrition Guide by Mike Carroll
The death of the 3-iron and what it means for your bag setup by Weston Maughan (GolfWRX)
The Draymond Generation: Why undersized bruisers are ideal in today's NBA by Seerat Sohi (Yahoo! Sports)
How Football Explains Football by Ryan O’Hanlon
How to Record Your Golf Swing Properly by Cory Olson (Practical Golf)
A Lido in the Sand Barrens by Garrett Morrison (The Fried Egg)
Hank Aaron's lasting impact is measured in more than home runs by Howard Bryant (ESPN)
Airbnb Is the Next Groupon (It Just Doesn’t Know It Yet) by Jared Brock
Why the Canadian Tech Scene Doesn't Work by Alex Danco
10 Investing Lessons from 2020 by Nick Maggiulli
The Three Axes of Micromobility: Supply Chains, Distribution, and Maintenance by Puneeth Meruva (Trucks Venture Capital)
Why Bubbles Are Good For Innovation by Ben Carlson
How Can I Bid to the Glory of God? by Charlie Self (The Gospel Coalition)
CWS Market Review – January 15, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
CWS Market Review – January 22, 2020 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
A Few Thoughts On Writing by Morgan Housel
Synchronous dashboard with audio and breakouts by Andy Rundquist
Building Back Better by Robert Slavin
Physics of the Catenary Cable by Rhett Allain
Online speech and publishing by Benedict Evans
W&M Society of Physics Students wins Outstanding Chapter Award by Joseph McClain (The College of William and Mary News & Media)