Mark 1:29-39 by Rob Myallis
Meaningful Lives in a Purposeful World by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
Joseph Wept: 7 Strategically Arranged Scenes in Genesis by Mitch Chase (The Gospel Coalition)
Lucy Pevensie, Thomas Watson, and the Precious Cordial of Romans 8:28 by Kathryn Butler (The Gospel Coalition)
Mark 9:2-9 (Transfiguration) by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
The Best-Case Outcomes Are Statistical Outliers by Farnam Street
How Do I Talk to My Children About Sex? by Sam Crabtree (Desiring God)
Repetitive Stress by Devin Kelly (Longreads)
‘This Is My Beloved Son’ by David Mathis (Desiring God)
Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Walk by Deborah Grayson Riegel (Harvard Business Review)
Ten Massive Benefits of Bulgarian Split Squats by Geoffrey Schofield
Arccos Continues Reign as Heavyweight Champ of Big Data by Rick Young (MyGolfSpy)
Short Courses May Be Golf’s Long Game by Connor Laubenstein (The Fried Egg)
Who Is the Modern Park Ji-sung? by Ryan O’Hanlon
Divot Board Review: My New Favorite Training Aid by Jon Sherman
Four Refoundings by Byrne Hobart
A Post-Mortem for Social Podcast Discovery by Nathan Baschez
Revenue: It’s Simple, Until It Isn’t by Evan Armstrong
"Insane Companies No One (Everyone) Talks About" Episode #3: Roblox by Julie Young
Is It Even Possible To Manage Debt Anxiety? by Kati Hyer (RELEVANT)
Personal Finance Philosophies by Morgan Housel
What I Think of Bitcoin by Ray Dalio
Retail, rent and things that don't scale by Benedict Evans
Flavors of indies by Seth Godin
CWS Market Review – February 12, 2021 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
RT;DL A Pithy Matter by Dean Baird
RT;DL Electroscopia by Dean Baird
Digest #150: How To Read An Academic Paper by Learning Scientists
Tapping Your Curiosity While Coaching: Lessons from the late Larry King by Steve Barkley
Mail time: Sorting out the work done by a spring by Greg Jacobs
Blaming the user by Seth Godin
Representing a Square Wave With a Fourier Series and Python by Rhett Allain
Luck, foresight and science: How an unheralded team developed a COVID-19 vaccine in record time by David Heath and Gus Garcia-Roberts (USA TODAY)
New Quantum Algorithms Finally Crack Nonlinear Equations by Max Levy (Quanta Magazine)
Episode #40: World-Class Routers by David Koff
Creeping as a Service (CraaS) by Fadeke Adegbuyi