How God’s Father-Love Could Change Your Life by Jamie Dunlop (The Gospel Coalition)
Our Most Destructive Assumption About Heaven by Randy Alcorn (Desiring God)
4 Ways to Love Someone Blindsided By Loss by Clarissa Moll (The Gospel Coalition)
John 3:16 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
How to have better arguments online by Ian Leslie (The Guardian)
The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake by David Brooks (The Atlantic)
When Content Becomes Your King by Dan Shipper and Kieran O’Hare
Your Thinking Rate Is Fixed by Farnam Street
The Common Denominator of Success by Albert Gray
Larger Than Life by Ben Shaw
Chris Hemsworth Is Exactly What’s Wrong With The Fitness Industry by Daniel Hopper
Fitness Is More Than Exercise, It’s Movement by Scott Mayer
Noah Ohlsen’s Biometric Data from CrossFit Games & Hardest Workout Ever by Mark Van Deusen (WHOOP)
5 Ways to Play Golf in the Zone by David MacKenzie
Nine holes at a time. by David Hill
Can Gareth Bale Save Tottenham's Season? by Ryan O’Hanlon
The Kinetic Sequence by Scott Lynn (Swing Catalyst)
Manchester United don’t have a plan in possession. Does it matter? by Grace Robertson
The Creator Whisperer by Nathan Baschez and Bryant Jefferson
Practical elegance by Seth Godin
Understanding Coinbase by Byrne Hobart
CWS Market Review – March 12, 2021 by Eddy Elfenbein (Crossing Wall Street)
Investing: The Greatest Show On Earth by Morgan Housel
Modeling the Motion of a Tossed Ball in an Accelerating Elevator by Rhett Allain
Incentive other than a grade: exemptions. by Greg Jacobs
RT;DL Electric Magnetism by Dean Baird
RT;DL Magnetic Electricity by Dean Baird
Coaching for Acceleration by Steve Barkley
Writing Well by Julian Shapiro
The Good, The Bad, and the Physics of Gauss’s Law by Rhett Allain
The Dogs That Grew Wool and the People Who Love Them by Virginia Morell (Hakai Magazine)
The road to electric is filled with tiny cars by Lavender Au (rest of world)
Is Technology Alienating You From Real Life? by Brad Stulberg