Aim All You Have at Heaven by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Mark 11:1-11 by Rob Myallis
Abounding in Love, Punishing Sin: Resolving Exodus 34 by Randy Newman (The Gospel Coalition)
You Don’t Need to Understand Now by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
Holiness Begins in Intimacy with Jesus by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)
Philippians 2 and the Mind-Blowing Mystery of Christian Obedience by Justin Dillehay (The Gospel Coalition)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
3 Psychological Qualities That Prevent Attachment To External Validation by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation)
Winning The War On Your Mind by Craig Groeschel (RELEVANT)
Log Off Instagram. Embrace Your Place. by Brett McCracken (The Gospel Coalition)
The OODA Loop: How Fighter Pilots Make Fast and Accurate Decisions by Farnam Street
Durable. Resilient. Bombproof. Sturdy. A Conversation With Rich Froning by Kelly Starrett (The Ready State)
How My Mind Changed about End-of-Life Care by Justin Taylor (The Gospel Coalition)
An equipment skeptic went behind the scenes of the 2021 Hot List. Here's what he learned by Daniel Rapaport (Golf Digest)
Buckets // Basketball, Golf, and the Jordan IV G by Kendra Little (Lie + Loft)
RIP, Elgin Baylor, the Overlooked Prometheus of the Modern NBA by Dan Devine (The Ringer)
Arsenal's Aubameyang Problem by Ryan O’Hanlon
Coaching Cinderella: Meet Oral Roberts’s Paul Mills by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (The Gospel Coalition)
Party Like It’s 1999: From ETrade to eToro by Marc Rubinstein
The Founder Trap by Nat Eliason
Public companies are too often out of alignment by Seth Godin
The 2021 Early-Retirement Update by Living a Fi
Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast by Morgan Housel
Cathie Wood and Content Strategy by Ranjan Roy
Electrocloud! by Byrne Hobart
Polystyrene waste is everywhere, and it's not biodegradable. Scientists just found a way to break it down. by Ames Laboratory
What Rules The Proton: Quarks Or Gluons? by Ethan Siegel
Outgrowing software by Benedict Evans
The Crow Whisperer by Lauren Markham (Harper’s Magazine)