Mark 6:1-13 by Rob Myallis
Mark 6:14-29 by Rob Myallis
When Doubt Eclipses Faith by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
How to Tame Your Tongue by Joe Carter (The Gospel Coalition)
Hope Emerged Unbreakable by Brian Tabb (Desiring God)
Does Matthew 8 Teach Physical Healing in the Atonement? by Sam Storms (The Gospel Coalition)
Glorify God with Your Body by David Mathis (Desiring God)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Harder Than It Looks, Not As Fun as It Seems by Morgan Housel
How Becoming a Dad Changed My Thoughts on Productivity by Scott Young
The Precautionary Principle: Better Safe than Sorry? by Farnam Street
Can You Be Great Without Being Obsessed? by Steve Magness (The Growth Equation)
An Introvert’s Secrets To Creating Great Conversations Without Saying Much by May Pang (Better Humans)
Adulting Fast and Slow by David Perell
Reality has a surprising amount of detail by John Salvatier
How Hard are the Tour de France Stages for Cyclists? by Jeremy Powers (WHOOP)
The Right Way to Swing a Kettlebell by Anna Maltby
Why You Need to Redefine Success to Become Your Best by David Mackenzie
Why International Teams Don’t Play the Way You Expect by Grace Robertson
Round of 16 Review: Why France Needs to Start Playing More Like Denmark by Ryan O’Hanlon
Growing the Game: The Chrysalis Moment by Karen Harding (golf Australia)
Why You Should Track Your Golf Practice by Matt Saternus (PluggedIn Golf)
The Wedge Guy: Learning from the (LPGA) pros by Terry Koehler (GolfWRX)
How Often Does Dollar Cost Averaging Fail? by Nick Maggiulli
World-Building and the Early Internet by Alex Danco
Languaging: The Strategic Use Of Language To Change Thinking by Nicolas Cole Customer development by Seth Godin
Illumina: "View Source" for Life by Byrne Hobart
How to speed grading #3: *When in doubt...* by Greg Jacobs
How to speed grading #4 - instant replay by Greg Jacobs
Designing Effective Instructional Videos by Althea Kaminske (The Learning Scientists)
Coaching Conversations Uncovering Teachers’ Agendas by Steve Barkley
Anecdotes are not science by Seth Godin
The mRNA Vaccines Are Extraordinary, but Novavax Is Even Better by Hilda Bastian (The Atlantic)
How Does Science Fiction Deal with Science? by Rhett Allain
How Underground Fiber Optics Spy on Humans Moving Above by Matt Simon (WIRED)
Blood test that finds 50 types of cancer is accurate enough to be rolled out by Nadeem Badshah (The Guardian)