Why Paul Never Wrote ‘Peace and Grace’ by Casey Shutt (The Gospel Coalition)
Luke 13:1-9 by Rob Myallis
The Safest Man for Women by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Biblical Interpretation Is More than Stacking Verses by Brandon Smith (The Gospel Coalition)
Talking Back to God by David Mathis (Desiring God)
Luke 13:31-35 by Rob Myallis
The Strange Sounds of Praise by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Respect Is No Substitute for Love by Lawrence Yeo
15 Science-Backed Ways To Get Work Done by Steve Magness and Brad Stulberg
Following the White-Hot Fire Inside of You by Kieran O’Hare
Be Good To Your Mentors by Cedric Chin
Your First Years of Marriage by Abigail Dodds (Desiring God)
5 Questions for Young Christians About Their Media Choices by Brett McCracken (The Gospel Coalition)
Letter #47: Till death do us part by Ali Montag
The Wicked Problem Experience by Holden Karnofsky
Moving Beyond Scales by Jennifer Childress Self (NextGenScience)
How to convince students that forces are balanced when at a constant velocity? by Andy Bauer
Desirable Difficulties: When Harder is Better for Learning by Scott Young
Stuck in a Performance Plateau? Use this Guide to Break Through the Plateau and Maximize Your Ability by Nathan Belcher
A broader perspective on lung cancer by Peter Attia
Should You Wear Arch Support? (The Truth Behind Orthotics) by by Aaron Horschig and Kevin Sonthana
Write Two Letters by Ted Lamade
Big Financial Questions? Step Away From the Spreadsheet by Christine Benz (Morningstar)
Now You Get It by Morgan Housel
The Mindset That Kills Product Thinking by Jeff Patton
How To Get Leverage On Your Ideas by Evan Armstrong
What Is An Optical Lattice And Why Does It Make Such Good Clocks? by Chad Orzel (Forbes)
You could be wrong by David Heinemeier Hansson
Mathematicians Discover the Perfect Way to Multiply by Kevin Hartnett (Quanta Magazine)
Examples of Stoke’s Theorem and the Divergence Theorem Using Python by Rhett Allain
Influential Women in Golf by Matt Ginella (The Fire Pit Collective)
The One-Legged Snowboarder Who Built an Ingenious Prosthetic for Himself—and His Opponents by John Rosengren (GQ)
A Sense of Where You Are by John McPhee (The New Yorker)
Ryan Brehm wins for the first time at Puerto Rico Open by Kevin Prise (PGA Tour)
How Xavi restored Barcelona's competitive edge, increased optimism ahead of El Clasico by Graham Hunter (ESPN)
The Unheralded But Excellent Par 5s at TPC Sawgrass by Garrett Morrison (The Fried Egg)
'Kids play free?' They do in much of Tennessee thanks to Scott Stallings, who is raising awareness at Valspar by Adam Schupak (Golfweek)
