The Bridge That Connects Bible Study and Prayer by Joseph Rhea (The Gospel Coalition)
Kneeling Among Lions by Joe Rigney (Desiring God)
Luke 15:11-32 by Rob Myallis
Find Your Humanity Outside Yourself by Joel Busby (The Gospel Coalition)
The First Call to Worship by Jonny Gibson (Desiring God)
John 12:1-8 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Are ambitious parents bad parents? by Khe Hy
The Feedback Decision Tree by Brie Wolfson
The Most Important Question of Your Life by Mark Manson
Choose Your Status Game Wisely by Nick Maggiulli
Never the Same River Twice by Pico Iyer (Orion Magazine)
Pedagogy vs. Andragogy: What's the Difference? by Cindy Nebel (The Learning Scientists)
The State Change Method: How to deliver engaging live lectures on Zoom by Wes Kao
Why we stopped making Einsteins by Erik Hoel
Book Review: Human Problem Solving by Scott Young
Noise, Grades, and Evaluations by Steve Barkley
Fermi Estimates and Dyson Designs by Venkatesh Rao
Assuming – Enemy of the Effective Classroom by Blake Harvard
11 rules for buying an ebike, and the 11 ebikes to buy now by Ryan Johnson
CrossFit Personality Rory Mckernan on "75 Hard" Protocol That’s Improved His HRV, RHR & Recovery by Rory Mckernan (WHOOP)
Does PR Lotion really improve exercise performance? by Peter Attia
Pregnancy Study Shows Benefits of Exercise, Useful Trends in HRV & RHR by WHOOP
Peak customer service and the hospitality mindset by Seth Godin
How we grew a local newsletter to 10,000 subscribers by Nathan Barry
Getting together again by Jason Fried
You should not open a door and see someone pooping by Adam Mastroianni
Recursive Publishing by Nathan Baschez
It’s Like GPT-3 but for Code—Fun, Fast, and Full of Flaws by Clive Thompson (WIRED)
Modeling a Wave on a String With the Finite Difference Method in Python by Rhett Allain
“Better than our most optimistic prediction” – first images from James Webb exceed all expectations by Jamie Priest (Cosmos)
Becoming a centaur by Janet Jones (aeon)
How WordPress and Tumblr Are Keeping the Internet Weird by Nilay Patel (The Verge)
How the UNC-Duke Rivalry Taught Me to Love Other Christians by Winfree Brisley (The Gospel Coalition)
History’s Mysteries: The PING Anser by John Barba (MyGolfSpy)
How south London became a talent factory for Black British footballers by Aniefiok Ekpoudom (The Guardian)
These former Yale women's golf teammates reconnected to change golf instruction by Matt Rudy (Golf Digest)
Golf's (Augusta) National Treasure: 99-Year-Old Past Champion Jackie Burke by Peter Kaufman (Morning Read)
The Underappreciated Craft of Golf Course Drainage by Andy Johnson (The Fried Egg)