Our God-Sized Ordinary by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Luke 19:28-40 by Rob Myallis
5 Ways to Cherish Christ with Kids at Easter by Barbara Reaoch and Jared Kennedy (The Gospel Coalition)
Did Jesus Need the Spirit? by David Mathis (Desiring God)
Luke 24:1-12 by Rob Myallis
Nakushi No More: How Christ Changes Our Name by Tim Shorey (The Gospel Coalition)
John 20:1-18 (Easter) by Rob Myallis
Behold the Man Upon the Cross by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
The Multidisciplinary Approach to Thinking by Peter Kaufman (Farnam Street)
How People Think by Morgan Housel
Letter #48: Consumption vs. creation by Ali Montag
What does success look like? by Katie Hawkins-Gaar
Mother Yourself Out of a Job by Michele Morin (Desiring God)
Prolonged Grief Disorder: New Diagnosis, Old Struggle by Clarissa Moll (The Gospel Coalition)
The Best Sermon for Marriage by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
All-Purpose College Advice by Chad Orzel
Ability to See Expertise is a Milestone Worth Aiming For by Cedric Chin
Dancing With Systems by Donella Meadows
Student Work is Gold by Lauren Stoll and Jill Wertheim (NextGenScience)
The 10 ATG Principles by Keegan Smith
Understanding Max Heart Rate and Why It Matters for Training by Mark Van Deusen (WHOOP)
Feel Anxious Or Stuck? Realign With Reality. by Steve Magness
Should Backward Walking be standard of care for knee pain? by Brian Ziegler
BSC and Granada Theater team for student real-world business experience by Charles Boothe (Bluefield Daily Telegraph)
The Yield Curve Just Inverted…Now What? by Nick Maggiulli
Yes, You Can Charge More by Marianne Bellotti
What Is Math? by Dan Falk (Smithsonian Magazine)
Researchers Identify ‘Master Problem’ Underlying All Cryptography by Erica Klarreich (Quanta Magazine)
The Science of Production by Brian Potter
Mitochondria Double as Tiny Lenses in the Eye by Yasemin Saplakoglu (Quanta Magazine)
The Eighth Hole at Augusta National and the Problem with Labels in Golf Architecture by Andy Johnson (The Fried Egg)
‘Every goal could be my last’: why strikers are improving with age by Ben Welch (The Guardian)
H-Town United: An Unlikely Soccer Power Rises in Texas by Tom Foster (TexasMonthly)
The play’s the thing – on our local performing stages and football fields by Larry Hypes (Bluefield Daily Telegraph)