Luke 8:26-39 by Rob Myallis
Some Answered Prayers Hurt by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
Dance unto the Lord by Christina Ray Stanton (The Gospel Coalition)
Galatians 5:1;13-25 by Rob Myallis
A Loved and Loving Man by Dan Cruver (Desiring God)
Christ’s Threefold Ministry from Heaven’s Throne by Skyler Flowers (The Gospel Coalition)
Luke 9:51-62 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
On Fatherhood by Chad Orzel
The Survival Instinct of Money by Lawrence Yeo
An Olympic Trainer Shares His Top Secrets for Pushing Through Discomfort by Steve Magness (Men’s Health)
How to Cultivate Resilience: A Four Part Framework by Jason Shen (Every)
My students cheated... A lot by Matt Crump
Test Correction Journal by Dean Baird
Why We Should Embrace Post-Race Emptiness by Martin Fritz Huber (Outside)
Chronic Back Pain in Golf – How to Avoid It by Carter Schmitz (PluggedIn Golf)
15 Learnings From a Conversation Between a Neuroscientist & Navy SEAL Officer by Charlotte Grysolle
Why do we lose muscle strength with age? by Peter Attia
Think Outside the Portfolio by Nick Maggiulli
Data's Limits and the Judgment Gap by Byrne Hobart
Growth Loops are the New Funnels by Brian Balfour
Is it a Ponzi? by Nat Eliason (Every)
Wheel Made of ‘Odd Matter’ Spontaneously Rolls Uphill by Ben Brubaker (Quanta Magazine)
Scientists unveil bionic robo-fish to remove microplastics from seas by Sofia Quaglia (The Guardian)
Change Agent by Michael Bamberger (The Fire Pit Collective)
Steph Curry Leaves No Room for Debate About His Legacy by Dan Devine (The Ringer)
Matt Fitzpatrick Found Joy In the Suffering, and His Reward Is the U.S. Open Title by Michael Rosenberg (Sports Illustrated)