Christian Living and Theology
Doubt: A Personal History by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)
Luke 16:1-13 by Rob Myallis
Failure Need Not Be Final by Zack Eswine (Desiring God)
Luke 16:19-31 (Lazarus and the rich man) by Rob Myallis
Better to Have a Burden by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)
Why Is Faith So Important? by Jonathan Cruse (The Gospel Coalition)
What Spoils the Lord’s Supper? by Joe Rigney (Desiring God)
Parenting, Leadership, and Personal Growth
10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned by Ben Casnocha
Envy Is the Cancer of the Soul by Lawrence Yeo
7 Ways to Create a Family Worship Culture in Your Home by Jodi Hiser (The Gospel Coalition)
Four Great Decisions per Year by Nat Eliason
An Emotional Breakthrough That Changed Everything by Jon Harper
Help! I Messed Up with My Kids’ Technology by Julie Lowe (The Gospel Coalition)
Education and Learning
Spaced Retrieval Practice Benefits Long-Term Learning and Transfer by Megan Sumeracki (The Learning Scientists)
Supporting Student Learning in the “Forgotten” Dimension by Jennifer Childress Self (NextGenScience)
Exploring Barak Rosenshine’s seminal Principles of Instruction: Why it is THE must-read for all teachers. by Tom Sherrington
Meaning First by Efrat Furst
On the design & quality of core (quiz) questions in biology by Christian Anderson
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online by David Perell
Ten Mental Models for Learning by Scott Young
Health, Fitness, and Nutrition
Business and Finances
Three Big Things: The Most Important Forces Shaping the World by Morgan Housel
Figma’s Layered Lessons by Nathan Baschez (Every)
Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas by Jason Cohen
Real numbers from 16 income streams - 2021/22 income report by Charli Marie
Spending Without Regrets by Nick Maggiulli
Science and Technology
Physics Duo Finds Magic in Two Dimensions by Charlie Wood (Quanta Magazine)
How a new hard hat technology can protect workers better from concussion by Jon Hamilton (NPR)
Small steps toward improving research reliability by Samantha Lipman, Kathryn Birkenbach, and Peter Attia
Record-Breaking Robot Highlights How Animals Excel at Jumping by Yasemin Saplakoglu (Quanta Magazine)
The Three-City Problem of Modern Life by Luke Burgis (WIRED)
Column: Has a UC Riverside researcher created the Holy Grail of drought-tolerant lawns? by Gustavo Arellano (Los Angeles Times)
Eggman in Scotland, Part 3: Walking the Old Course by Andy Johnson (The Fried Egg)
Marco Tardelli, and the Grandeur and Glory of a Goal Celebration by Brian Phillips (The Ringer)
Nine thoughts on this year’s buddies’ golf trip by David Hill